This allows the json representation for that web service method to be returned and included by a script line like this.
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="SimpleService.asmx/js">
When you view the contents of the script, you will get something like the following.
Type.registerNamespace('Quickstart.Samples'); Quickstart.Samples.SimpleService =
{ path: "/quickstart/atlas/samples/services/SimpleService.asmx",
EchoString:function(s,onMethodComplete, onMethodTimeout)
{return Web.Net.ServiceMethodRequest.callMethod(this.path,
"EchoString",{s:s}, onMethodComplete, onMethodTimeout); } }
This basically makes calls into the Atlas core javascript libaries which know how to call a web service asynchronously. The atlas core libraries are included by these lines.
<atlas:Script ID="Script1" runat="server" Path="~/ScriptLibrary/AtlasCompat.js"
Browser="Mozilla" />
<atlas:Script ID="Script2" runat="server" Path="~/ScriptLibrary/AtlasCompat.js"
Browser="Firefox" />
<atlas:Script ID="Script3" runat="server"
Once you have all of that you can just write a javascript method that calls the web service, passing it the input values, an event to call on completion and timeout.
requestSimpleService = Quickstart.Samples.SimpleService.EchoString(
"SomeText", //params
OnComplete, //Complete event
OnTimeout //Timeout event
That really is all that is to it. If you want to see a working example, try the link below.
If you have not installed the templates yet for it, be sure and do so at the link below.
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