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In MOSS 2007, people often extending the search results experience by using the Faceted Search Web Parts . People really liked these so it looks like Microsoft decided to implement their own version called the RefinementWebPart (also known as the...
If you are already familiar with SharePoint 2010, you already know how easy it is to build and deploy a web part now. However, this post is for those that don’t keep up with SharePoint as some of us do and may not realize how the development experience...
I am pretty passionate about Enterprise Search and with MOSS 2007 I saw customers really struggle because wildcard search was not offered out of the box and most of the web parts in Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebParts are sealed. Luckily, the...
Let’s face it. A lot of companies would rather you be unproductive and waste hours a day rather than spend a couple of hundred bucks on some more memory. I don’t get it, but that’s the world so many of us are forced to live in. You have...
The developer dashboard is a great new feature that developers can use to aid them in tuning performance on a page. This new functionality adds information to the bottom of any page in SharePoint that displays performance information and what SQL...
This is already starting to be an interesting topic, so I wanted to post about it. We’ll start with the facts. SharePoint 2010 only runs on 64 bit operating systems In the past, SharePoint developers have pretty much always had to develop in a virtual...
Curious to know what the Services on Server page looks like now? Well, then this is the post for you. Instead of just having the 6 or so services that you had in MOSS 2007, there are many more services listed on the Services on Server page...
Microsoft really answered the call of developers by adding several new events that developers had been wanting in MOSS 2007. Event better, Visual Studio 2010 really makes it easy by using the new Add Event Receiver wizard. It provides an interface...
If you are like me when you get a new product, you look at every possible little thing you can find to see what’s new or different. That’s why I post this today because I figured you might be interested in what the databases might looks like in...
With MOSS, it seemed like most web part developers tended to avoid changing the version of their DLL, because it lead to numerous headaches as you had to update the .webpart file. You also had to update any page that you might have the web part...
This is another topic that is quite dear to most SharePoint developers. We’ve all been there. We want to know if a list item exists and the indexer is useless. It throws an exception should we attempt to access an item that does not...
You might have seen that there is a new designer for working with web parts in Visual Studio 2010. This is actually, not quite the case, so I thought I would share with you how it actually works. When you use the Visual Web Part SPI (SharePoint...
This is a bitter subject with most MOSS 2007 developers because the most common way to do this is by using a try/catch block when you try to use the indexer on SPListCollection. Well, I am pleased to tell you about a new method I discovered on SPListCollection...
If you’re a SharePoint person, you of course have the following path burned into your memory forever. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extension\12 Well pretty soon, you can replace that with: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft...
There are a number of feature improvements in SharePoint 2010. They have made many changes which allow you to do more with features when they are activated or upgraded. One of the new features it the ability to write to the property bag. ...
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