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People Search (
Looking back at my analytics, I found that my People Search in SharePoint 2010 was quite popular. I thought I would update that post for SharePoint 2013. The process is similar but there are a few things to be aware of. People Search...
As we start out the new year, I thought I would start out with a post talking about one of my favorite SharePoint topics, Enterprise Search. Over the years, I’ve seen a variety of search configurations. Some companies have great implementations...
Since I’m talking about Enterprise Search tonight at OKCSUG , I thought I would write up a quick post on the steps you need to follow in order to get People Search working in SharePoint 2010. The critical piece of course is getting the User Profile...
You might have seen my last post on People Search and were so excited to try it out only to find that you only have a Basic Search Center template available or the search center you have already created doesn’t have a People tab. By default, on...
Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but talking about Search is my favorite topic in SharePoint (with ECM closely following it). :) This is why I am so excited about the new features we are seeing in Enterprise Search. Wildcards and built in refinement...