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I’ve been running Windows 10 Technical Preview since it came out on October 1st. We’re now on our third build (Build 9879) so I thought I would share my experience so far on my Surface Pro 3 . With Windows 10, they have given us access to...
When it comes to using Ink in Microsoft Office, it’s been there for longer than you probably have realized. Even if you had a Surface Pro or Surface Pro 2, you probably never took advantage of it. The device was simply too heavy. Now...
While I have always been a die hard fan of my Surface 2 and Surface RT , when the Surface Pro 3 was announced I was pretty excited. As someone that travels a lot, I question every item that goes into my bag. I am done with carrying around...
My wife and I rushed to the UPS facility to pick up our Surface Pro 3 devices this morning. I just wanted to take a few minutes to show the unboxing before I post my full review coming up. The Surface Pro 3 arrived in a gigantic box compared to...
If you saw one of the many tweets yesterday, you know that Microsoft announced Office has been released for iPad . I'm sure this pleases a lot of iPad owners. For those without Office 365 subscriptions though, you will soon realize...
At MVP Summit this year, many of us were lucky enough to pick up a Surface 2 32 GB. As many of you know, I have been a die hard supporter of my Surface RT and I think it runs great with Windows 8.1 . I simply love the connected standby and...
For those of you that know me, you know I am a die hard supporter of Surface RT. I absolutely love the device and I’ll be picking up a Surface 2 here shortly. When the preview of Windows RT 8.1 came out over the summer, I jumped on it immediately...
I take my Surface RT everywhere and I do mean everywhere. Whether it is lunch, the bar, the airplane, user group presentation, a client demo, if I am out and about, chances are I have my Surface RT with me. In the past month or so (long before the Surface...