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SharePoint 2013 Preview (
I’m working on my PowerShell for SharePoint 2013 (SPC195) talk for SPC12 and I find this new cmdlet so useful I thought I would share it immediately. The cmdlet is Copy-SPSite and it’s easy to use. Just run it and before you know it, you’ll...
I was talking to Tom Resing ( @resing ) last week about using the SharePoint Client Object Model inside a Client Web Part and it became apparent that I left you all hanging with my last post . I got you to the point where you could build your web...
I’ve recently taken an interest to building Windows Store Apps (aka Windows 8 Metro). Not because I think I can get rich in the Windows Store but because I think it provides a unique way to present SharePoint data. If you’re like me, you probably...
I was digging through some new PowerShell cmdlets for one of my talks coming up at SharePoint Conference 2012 (SPC12), and I stumbled upon the new cmdlet Import-SPEnterpriseSearchPopularQueries . I found this cmdlet to be interesting since it can...
When I first gave the Preview of Search in SharePoint 2013 , I mentioned that we could now query search using the Client Object Model. After enough digging through the documentation, I finally pieced together the steps required to get search results...
We have a brand new REST based API for interacting with Search in SharePoint 2013 Preview. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information out there yet on how to interact with it. I have pieced together a couple of bits to help get you started...
When it comes to development, the introduction of the application model overshadows many of the other new things happening in SharePoint 2013 development. I noticed one particular change as I was working on a new slide deck regarding the change...
NOTE: This post is build with Visual Studio 2012 RC and Preview 1 of the Office Developer Tools. See this post for an update with Preview 2 of the Office Developer Tools and the RTM version of SharePoint 2013. I am extremely interested in the new...
Napa is a great way to get started building SharePoint 2013 apps with Office 365. It provides you an easy-to-use editor that allows you make changes to your app right in your browser. One nice feature it has is to allow you to take what you...
If you have installed SharePoint 2013 Preview, you might have noticed that pretty much every bit of available memory is being consumed. Where is it all going? Search of course. In my post from last week, I mentioned noderunner.exe. ...