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Sitecore 6 (
It’s spring break and I wasn’t going to make any blog posts this week, but I just ran across this post ( ) from Mark van Aalst concerning using jQuery in Sitecore’s content editor...
Mark van Aalst’s EviBlog shared source module takes advantage of the new RSS feed features added to Sitecore in version 6.2, but if you haven’t set that up yet (I hadn’t!) then you may be wondering how to make it work. It’s actually quite simple! In Content...
So I keep hearing about this EviBlog module for Sitecore and how it blows away the old blogs module and how I just have to check it out. So, I finally found some time over the weekend to do a fresh Sitecore 6.2 install, downloaded and installed EviBlog...
I've just started working with the new Sitecore 6 Page Editor. Yesterday, I noticed something that really bothered me - a content editor user (one who I had placed in the Sitecore Client Authoring role) seemed to have access to the full "Insert...
Alright, it's out. I've downloaded it, but not installed yet. I've only just begun reading about the changes and whoah! - way more than I expected! No more masters? Three kinds of templates? Field types renamed? My head is spinning. I can't...