
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.

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  • SharePoint Workspace: Are you using it? Why not?

    Picture it.  Your vice president is about to get on a plane.  He or she tells you, “I need a list of all of our products and the latest prices.  I want to be able to make changes and have them be effective when I am back in the office.”  Look at your custom applications you have now...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-13-2011
  • Speaking at Tulsa TechFest about SharePoint Development and ECM

    It’s hard to believe it’s time for Tulsa TechFest already.  We get a great group of speakers and attendees here every year.  I’m always impressed with the quality of the event and the amount of people that attend in a town the size of Tulsa.  If you have never been before, I highly recommend...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 11-09-2010
  • Slides from my BCS talk at Houston TechFest posted

    I had a great time at Houston TechFest this weekend.  I met a lot of new people and I got to see a lot of old friends.  At TechFest, I spoke about how to code advanced SharePoint BCS solutions using BCS entity models and custom connectors.  The slide deck is posted on slide share . ...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-12-2010
  • Speaking at Houston TechFest on October 9th

    I am excited to be returning to Houston next week to speak at Houston TechFest .  This looks like it will be a great event and I’ve been curious to see what Tech Fests look like in other cities.  I’ll be speaking on an advanced SharePoint development topic about how extend the BCS using BDC...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 09-29-2010
  • Presenting two talks at NWA TechFest

    David Walker is at it again!  This time it is a TechFest in Northwest Arkansas this week on July 8th.  I’m going to be doing two talks there.  The first about the BCS and the second about Enterprise Search.  If you’re from Tulsa, sorry you’ve already seen my BCS talk, but I won’t...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 07-06-2010
  • Slides from my Enterprise Search talk at Tulsa TechFest 2009

    I had a great time speaking again at Tulsa TechFest 2009.  I gave my intro talk on Enterprise Search again, but this time I updated it to talk about features upcoming in SharePoint 2010.  My slides are attached at the bottom of this post.  I always really enjoy TechFest and getting the...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 11-09-2009
  • Speaking at Tulsa TechFest 2009

    @SPKyle let work get in the way of his speaking gig, so I get to fill his spot this year. :-)  I’m going to be giving my intro talk on Enterprise Search.  This is a good talk for anyone that isn’t very familiar with what Enterprise Search can do for their organization.  It’s also good...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 11-02-2009
  • Don't forget Tulsa TechFest tomorrow!

    Just one last reminder that Tulsa TechFest is tomorrow and Friday. There will be a lot of great speakers there and it should be a lot of fun. I'll be giving a talk on the oh so exciting topic of Partial Trust and Code Access Security in SharePoint . If you have ever wanted to deploy SharePoint code...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-08-2008
  • Slides and Code Samples from Tulsa TechFest

    Today, at TechFest, I gave my talk on Implementing Partial Trust in SharePoint and I had a great time. As promised, here are the slides and code samples. If you have any more questions, feel free to leave me a comment.
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-08-2008
  • Slides from Tulsa TechFest

    This weekend I spoke at Tulsa Tech Fest and it was quite the good time. I am not the kind of douche bag that drops names but I did have the opportunity to party with some respected names in the industry this weekend. All in all a good time. Here are the slides from my talk, Searching Business Data with...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by Anonymous on 10-21-2007
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