
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.

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  • How to: Deploy a Page using a Feature

    I am about to do start giving some training again, so I thought I would work on some more content for the blog that I could refer to people to when they are trying things out.  Today, I want to start out with the basic task of deploying a page to SharePoint.  There are actually lots of ways...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 06-02-2009
  • Intro to SharePoint Development: How to Build and Deploy a Web Part

    UPDATE: Building Web Parts in SharePoint 2010 I've recently helped out a number of developers new to SharePoint and I found that I have been often asked the same types of questions. Most of those involve getting started and deployment, so today, I am beginning my series on getting started with SharePoint...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-22-2008
  • Troubleshooting: Cannot import Web Part Error

    Let's face it, any new SharePoint developer is going to run into an error such as the one below when starting out. [WebPartPageUserException: Cannot import MyWebPart Web Part.] at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartImporter.CreateWebPart(Boolean clearConnections) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-06-2008
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