
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.
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  • Linq to SQL Designer Weirdness

    The Linq to SQL designer that's built into Visual Studio 2008 is pretty, and a huge improvement over what Microsoft's provided before, in terms of data modelling. I haven't used enough other OR/M's to really have an opinion about how it measures up to other products. But it does have...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 06-24-2008
  • Linq to SQL and enums

    This is really stupid, but it seems like enough of a stupid niche problem that it might be worth mentioning. There's an integer column in a database that maps to an enum. Whenever I tried to mark that enum as a column, I got an InvalidCastException (from deep within the Linq reflection-magic call...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 03-27-2008
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