
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.

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  • Some Initial Thoughts on Google App Engine

    More like observations, really. There's nothing here that's new or interesting, if you've been following it at all. But, if you've been mildly curious and haven't taken the time to really read anything at all, this may be worth your time. I was really excited about the app engine...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 06-05-2008
  • First Impressions of Web2py

    It kicks ass. There's a video that demonstrates web2py and Google appengine that pretty much says it all. If you're like me, and you'd rather read a set of step-by-step instructions than watch a video, this is for you. (OK, this is actually for me when I start a new project 6 months down...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 05-13-2008
  • Initial Thoughts on Google App Engine

    If you haven't heard of Google App Engine by now, you've probably been living under a rock. I won't try to explain it, or even include any links. Go check out what google has to say about it: it's intriguing, at the very worst. It's really the first step toward the distributed web...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 05-08-2008
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