
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.
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  • Pyjamas on Google App Engine

    Pyjamas is one of the most interesting frameworks I've run across in a long time. You write a desktop-style app (it looks a lot like something you'd do if you were lame enough to actually write WPF code instead of using the GUI to build XAML) in python, and run it through a "compiler"...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 01-22-2009
  • Real World Dojo part 5: Custom Components

    Introduction It turns out that the file upload piece from last time (the User Feedback article) is going to be used over and over. And that I need to attach a drop-down to let the uploader specify what kind of license is associated with the file. In the dot net world, I'd be tempted to slap the code...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 10-28-2008
  • Real World Dojo part Four: User Feedback

    So now we have a simple form that uses AJAX to upload a file and submits some metadata for the server to associate with that file. It doesn't really give any useful feedback, though. No real end-user's going to read the console, I'm not actually doing anything with the file upload progress...
    Posted to Not Necessarily Dot Net (Weblog) by JamesAshley on 10-23-2008
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