
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.

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  • How Come My Silverlight Application Won’t Load?

    So you have written your first Silverlight application and deployed it to IIS but when you hit the page nothing happens. No error, nothing. You are just sitting there staring at a blank web page. Chances are you haven't registered the Silverlight MIME type yet. Go into IIS and register the following...
    Posted to Kyle Kelin on .Net (Weblog) by KyleKelin on 08-28-2008
  • Using WebService Data With Silverlight

    Now, I want to do something a bit more dynamic. How about we call a web service, get some dynamic data back, and render something based on that data? In this post, I will build a simple example in order to clearly illustrate the concepts. But at the end, I will post an example of something a bit more...
    Posted to Kevin Williams .NET and Stuff (Weblog) by Kevin on 03-23-2008
  • My Silverlight Control

    Putting a Silverlight viewer on a web page is a lot of work. You have to import the Silverlight.js file (and make sure it's deployed to the web server), create a div to contain the viewer, and write some Javascript code to call Silverlight.createObject(). To me, this is just begging for an ASP.NET...
    Posted to Kevin Williams .NET and Stuff (Weblog) by Kevin on 03-23-2008
  • Silverlight - Simple Animation

    Seems I've fallen way behind on my Silverlight blogging as of late. A few weeks ago, I managed to get some simple animation working. So, I guess I should blog about it. Animation is done by transforming your object. Each graphic element has a RenderTransform property to which you can assign a Transform...
    Posted to Kevin Williams .NET and Stuff (Weblog) by Kevin on 03-23-2008
  • Silverlight Day 2

    Today's goal is to display an image and react to a mouse click in some way. I actually started by reading the QuickStart that gets installed along with the Silverlight SDK. You can also find it at if you still don't have the SDK installed...
    Posted to Kevin Williams .NET and Stuff (Weblog) by Kevin on 02-22-2008
  • Silverlight Day 1

    So I finally set out to do something with Silverlight... I set a simple goal for myself tonight - I just wanted to see "Hello World". That should be easy, right? First, I downloaded the Silverlight 1.0 SDK from and installed it. Second, I created a new web...
    Posted to Kevin Williams .NET and Stuff (Weblog) by Kevin on 02-20-2008
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