
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.

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  • MOSS2007 Custom Web Parts Installtion

    All, About 6 months ago i created 3 custom Web Parts in Visual Studio and these were deployed brilliantly when using the Studio Add-In. No Deployment Errors and Installtion through Studio was fine. I did this on our Single SharePoint Server running Windows Server 2003 SQL Server 2005 and SharePoint 2007...
    Posted to SharePoint Issues (Forum) by cg084 on 04-21-2009
  • Help with accessing a custom DLL from web part

    I have a third party custom DLL that I'm trying use from my web part. I've deployed the DLL to the GAC, it's strongly named, listed in the SafeControls of the webconfig. I can successfully use the DLL when using an ASPX page, but when I try using it from a web part, I get an error. Just including...
    Posted to SharePoint Issues (Forum) by pete on 03-05-2009
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