
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.

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  • Announcing “Beer and Code” Meetup after SharePoint Saturday Tulsa to be sponsored by TekSystems

    As Kyle Kelin and I mentioned we are doing another “Beer and Code” meetup after SharePoint Saturday (School of Dev) this Saturday on 3/28.  The event will start immediately after prizes (around 6ish) at Dirty’s Tavern located at 325 E 2nd St (2nd and Elgin – Downtown Tulsa).  TekSystems has...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 03-26-2009
  • SharePint Tonight!

    Just a reminder about tonight's SharePint meetup at Crawpappy's. Officially starts at 6, but we'll probably be there early. This will be a great opportunity to talk to other members of the SharePoint community here in Tulsa. I don't expect it to be as wild as Beer and Code , but it should...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-16-2008
  • Don't forget Tulsa TechFest tomorrow!

    Just one last reminder that Tulsa TechFest is tomorrow and Friday. There will be a lot of great speakers there and it should be a lot of fun. I'll be giving a talk on the oh so exciting topic of Partial Trust and Code Access Security in SharePoint . If you have ever wanted to deploy SharePoint code...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 10-08-2008
  • Announcing the First Tulsa SharePint Meetup

    Recently, my favorite Yankee, Kyle Kelin , returned home to Tulsa and told me about the concept of meetups. Basically, it is just a group of people that meet up together somewhere in a social setting and talk about technology, poker, camping, or whatever. These seem to be really big in New York and the...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 09-24-2008
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