
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.
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  • Recent Personal Ad

    A friend sent me this, and I just had to share. I couldn't think of anywhere else convenient the Dot Net Mafia would be able to see it. LADY seeking new SE-X-PRIENCE tonite!!! I am Successful lady doctor aged 36 .I'm attractive voluptuous, intelligent and creative, Un fortunately I had a very...
    Posted to Sample Forum (Forum) by JamesAshley on 01-30-2008
  • First to Write a Forum Post

    Woot! I was going to suggest we add a different forum, or at least rename this one. Bu, in keeping with our basic philosophy, I think that leaving this one as-is is perfect. It's not like there are going to be all that many posts happening, until we get big and famous.
    Posted to Sample Forum (Forum) by JamesAshley on 01-24-2008
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