
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.
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  • Become a beta tester for the Office Apps on iOS

    Apple recently gave developers the ability to sign up testers using just a URL in TestFlight. Previously, it required the developer to manage a list of E-mail addresses which quickly becomes unwieldy. If you are interested in testing pre-release versions of Word, Excel, Outlook, and more then check out...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 11-07-2018
  • Create an Office AddIn with Ionic Framework

    If you want to build an Office AddIn for Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, all you really need to know is a little HTML and JavaScript. Since Ionic Framework is built with HTML and JavaScript, it actually makes a great fit for hosting an Office AddIn. In fact, task pane apps have a very similar shape to your...
    Posted to Corey Roth [MVP] (Weblog) by CoreyRoth on 01-16-2018
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