
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

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Kyle Kelin on .Net

Setting the People/Group Field Type to a SharePoint Group

I ran across this today and thought I would take a minute to blog about it because I didn't find exactly what I wanted by Googling. I have a SharePoint Group that I have created and I need to set that in a list so I can use it later on. I found a lot of articles on how to set a People or Group field by using the SPFieldUserValue but I didn't know how to get from a SPGroup to that object. Then it dawned on me to use the ID and Name properties of the group. Bam works like a charm. Here is the code:



SPGroup group = rootWeb.SiteGroups[groupName];


SPFieldUserValue value = new SPFieldUserValue(rootWeb,group.ID, group.Name);

item["Committee Group"] = value;


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About KyleKelin

Kyle Kelin has been implementing software in the Microsoft space for the past 6 years mainly as a consultant. His interests are SharePoint, .NET, JQuery, and Silverlight.
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