
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

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Kyle Kelin on .Net

Do You Know You Can Customize the Help Pages in SharePoint?

Well if you did good for you because I didn't. I was writing some help documentation today and thought wouldn't this be better if it was inside SharePoint instead of Word document that everyone is going to ignore. So I started googling and find out that when you click help inside SharePoint it just brings up a window of html pages. And those html pages are customizable.

 Open up the Central Admin site in SharePoint Designer and you will see a Document Library called HelpFold. Guess what? Yep, all those HTML pages are stored in there. Pull one up and you can rewrite the help pages to your heart's content.


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About KyleKelin

Kyle Kelin has been implementing software in the Microsoft space for the past 6 years mainly as a consultant. His interests are SharePoint, .NET, JQuery, and Silverlight.
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