I needed to recreate a list on another website including the data. The list had over 150 items in it so no way was I going to recreate it manually. The first thing I did was recreate the columns for the destination list then export the original list to Excel. The option is under actions in the list view. But when I tried to import the spreadsheet into my new list I get the following error:
Import of spreadsheet error: Method 'Post' of object 'IOWSPostData' failed
I was like WTF. But a quick google search found the solution.
Open the Excel Add-In EXPTOOWS.XLA locate in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\1033 by default. Press Alt+F11 to display the Visual Basic code editor and search (Ctrl+F) for the line lVer = Application.SharePointVersion(URL). Comment out that line with a single quote and add the line lVer=2 so your Intialize() method should now look like this:
Sub Initialize(List, Title, URL, QuickLaunch)
strQuickLaunch = QuickLaunch
aTarget(iPublishURL) = URL
aTarget(iPublishListName) = List
aTarget(iPublishListDesc) = Title
'lVer = Application.SharePointVersion(URL)
lVer = 2
End Sub
I was a little nervous about doing this but it worked. Also when you try to save the macro it will warn you that it won't be signed if you save it. I went ahead and saved it. I haven't had any problems so far.