
Corey Roth and Friends Blogs

Group site for developer blogs dealing with (usually) Ionic, .NET, SharePoint, Office 365, Mobile Development, and other Microsoft products, as well as some discussion of general programming related concepts.

Not Necessarily Dot Net

Simple NoSQL (resolved...I think)

For all you avid readers who have been waiting with bated breath (I'm sure there are at least 2 of you on the planet): I found a resolution to my recent post about NoSQL options under Common Lisp.

The project I was looking for seems to be Rucksack. I completely dismissed it at first, because the documentation implies that it's so immature it isn't worth messing with.

That documentation was written 4 years ago.

According to one member on the mailing list (who very well may be the only person on the planet actually using it...welcome to the common lisp "community"), he's been using it for over a year with no down-time or data loss. He's had to patch it to deal with read-locks, but he's more than willing to share that code. You should be able to find the thread on the mailing list archives from the past couple of days. (Yeah, I'm feeling a little rushed, or I'd post that link for you too).

Anyway. I'm going to give it a try and see how it works. So far, it's looking like exactly what I was looking for.


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