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I’ve been talking a lot about external lists lately as you may know.  They are so easy to create with SharePoint Designer, but you wouldn’t really deploy them to production that way would you?  Of course not!  We need a feature.  At...
If you are already familiar with SharePoint 2010, you already know how easy it is to build and deploy a web part now.  However, this post is for those that don’t keep up with SharePoint as some of us do and may not realize how the development experience...
It looks like the answer is no.  When you click the Include Content checkbox on the Save as Template page, it looks like only the latest version of documents and lists items are included in the .wsp file.  I ran a few tests and here is what...
I had a great time at SharePoint Saturday Kansas City.  @MossLover and @SharePointKevin as well as many others did a great job organizing this event.  I met a bunch of great new people and I got to see some familiar faces again.  I had...
I have a talk coming up on Code Access Security at SharePoint Saturday Kansas City next month so I have been investigating sandboxed solutions quite a bit.  After all, sandboxed solutions are just another flavor of using CAS with some additional...
By now, you have heard about how the SharePoint 2010 development experience has been improved.  We can easily deploy web parts and other code without having to manually manipulate any XML files.  What about under partial trust though? ...
You might have seen that there is a new designer for working with web parts in Visual Studio 2010.  This is actually, not quite the case, so I thought I would share with you how it actually works.  When you use the Visual Web Part SPI (SharePoint...
As you have already probably heard, a bunch of things have been added to Visual Studio to make the development effort less painful.  After working with the new version for a little while, I have got to say it will definitely change the way you think...