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With SharePoint 2013, Upgrade Evaluation Site Collections can come in quite handy.  They allow you to test what a site will look like once upgraded without affecting the site you just attached.  If there are issues, you can just correct them...
In SharePoint 2013, host-named site collections (HNSC) are all the rage.  SharePoint Online has been using them heavily for some time now and in general, they are the preferred method for creating site collections now with SharePoint 2013. ...
Quite some time ago, I wrote about how to set default column values using C#.  However, I find it useful to work with them using PowerShell quite often.  The reason being, I often use this as a utility to work set default column values on document...
One less publicized change in the April 2013 CU for SharePoint 2013 is the ability to change the maximum number of characters indexed of a given file.  By default, SharePoint indexes 512 KB of the body of a document.  Anything after that isn...
My PowerShell posts always prove to be the most popular.  I showed all sorts of cool PowerShell tricks in my talk back at SPC12.  One of the things I covered was how to install and manage apps using PowerShell.  Since there is a corporate...
At SPC12 , I gave a talk about PowerShell in SharePoint 2013.  In that talk I upgraded a SharePoint 2010 site collection to SharePoint 2013.  I wanted to follow-up with a blog post showing the steps involved.  To begin the process, I have...
I’m working on my PowerShell for SharePoint 2013 (SPC195) talk for SPC12 and I find this new cmdlet so useful I thought I would share it immediately.  The cmdlet is Copy-SPSite and it’s easy to use.  Just run it and before you know it, you’ll...