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This weekend, I got inspired to create what I think could be a great new CodePlex community Project.  Last week, I saw a post in the forums as well a comment on the blog asking if specific PowerShell commands existed in regards to Enterprise Search...
I posted a while back on how to do your Managed Property mappings in PowerShell, so I wanted to follow up with how to add search scopes next.  I have to give props to the SDK team because they have done a pretty good job documenting all of these...
I am excited to say that I am returning to Oklahoma City next Monday (7/26) to speak about using PowerShell with SharePoint.  This fun talk will show you just enough PowerShell to be dangerous.  You will learn the basics of using it, how to...
If you build a lot of virtual SharePoint environments, you might find yourself needing some test users in Active Directory to demonstrate various things such as people search or the new social features.  Sure, you can create these users by hand,...
One of the things that drove me absolutely nuts about Enterprise Search in MOSS 2007 was that there was no built-in way to export your managed property mappings and install them on a new server.  A third party utility on CodePlex helped, but it was...
I had a great time this weekend at SharePoint Saturday Houston.  The event was well run and @danluciano , @victor_chat , @davidfrette , and everyone else involved did a great job.  I’m not sure what the final turnout numbers were, but it sounds...
One thing that is getting a lot of attention in SharePoint 2010, is the use of PowerShell.  It’s too cool and you really have a lot of power (no pun intended) to automate just about anything in SharePoint.  In fact Kyle Kelin ( @spkyle ) are...
I’m not expert in PowerShell, but I thought I would share a few basics I picked up at Ignite and various other places along the way when it comes to getting started with PowerShell.  The easiest way to issue SharePoint commands with PowerShell is...
Visual Studio 2010 makes it really easy to add and deploy solutions when you are developing, but you may eventually want to deploy those solution packages elsewhere right?  We can still use stsadm, but that is effectively considered deprecated now...
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