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If you pay attention to twitter at all, today you might have heard about a new tool on CodePlex called SPSource .  SPSource is a tool that reverse engineers existing Content Types, Site Columns, Lists and more on an existing SharePoint site. ...
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UPDATE: Building Web Parts in SharePoint 2010 I've recently helped out a number of developers new to SharePoint and I found that I have been often asked the same types of questions. Most of those involve getting started and deployment, so today, I...
Let's face it, any new SharePoint developer is going to run into an error such as the one below when starting out. [WebPartPageUserException: Cannot import MyWebPart Web Part.] at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartImporter.CreateWebPart(Boolean...
Not too long ago, I talked about how to remove the Explorer View from a document library. As part of the post, I mentioned that I would post how to build a custom document library in the near future. That is what I am covering today. I really don't...
Sometimes when I am developing a feature that is deployed via solution, after I have deployed it to the server a few times, sometimes I think it is a good idea to just copy out my feature manually to the features folder. I've got to get out ofthe...
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I have been working a lot with document libraries again and in this particular implementation, I had a need to create a pre-determined set of folders upon document library creation that were based upon a custom content type. I couldn't find a way...
The other day, I had a need to read an XML file during the FeatureActivated event of a SharePoint FeatureReceiver. I needed to know what the path of the feature was so that I could read the file. There are probably multiple ways to do this, but here is...
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As a new SharePoint developer, you will be directed to install your first Hello World web part in the GAC. Right now red flags should be going off for any non-noob developer. This allows your code to operate with Full Trust (which is bad). To properly...
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