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I was digging through some new PowerShell cmdlets for one of my talks coming up at SharePoint Conference 2012 (SPC12), and I stumbled upon the new cmdlet Import-SPEnterpriseSearchPopularQueries . I found this cmdlet to be interesting since it can...
When I first gave the Preview of Search in SharePoint 2013 , I mentioned that we could now query search using the Client Object Model. After enough digging through the documentation, I finally pieced together the steps required to get search results...
We have a brand new REST based API for interacting with Search in SharePoint 2013 Preview. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information out there yet on how to interact with it. I have pieced together a couple of bits to help get you started...
If you have installed SharePoint 2013 Preview, you might have noticed that pretty much every bit of available memory is being consumed. Where is it all going? Search of course. In my post from last week, I mentioned noderunner.exe. ...