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I had the opportunity to present a couple of talks on Enterprise Search this weekend at SharePoint Saturday Ozarks . Kyle Kelin and I drove out there on Friday and we attended a great speakers dinner. Mark Rackley did a great job on running...
I had a good time at School of Dev this weekend. It had a fairly decent crowd consider this was its first time and it was on Mother's Day weekend. There was some good info there and I think just about everyone got a prize or two. I had the opportunity...
I am looking forward to giving my updated talk on the Business Data Catalog and Enterprise Search tomorrow at School of Dev . For the two of you that read my blog, feel free to stop by and see the session.
I'll be talking about the BDC and Enterprise Search at Tulsa's School of Dev next Saturday May 10th. This is the same talk I was going to give at the SharePoint Users Group a while back, but it never happened due to logistics. This updated session...
Unfortunately, the Tulsa SharePoint Users Group meeting had to be canceled tonight. Don't fret, I will still be presenting my talk on the BDC in April or May. I'm sorry to disappoint all of my die hard fans that were planning on attending tonight...
I'll be giving my talk on Searching Business Data with MOSS Enterprise Search at the Tulsa SharePoint Developer's User Group on March 10th. This is the same presentation I gave at TechFest, but I have updated it some and will likely also cover...