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I’m excited to be speaking at the first Office 365 Saturday in Redmond on 2/25.  This new event will be an exciting display of all things Office 365.  I’ll be talking about all of the cool things you can do with Search in SharePoint Online. ...
I often refer to my Handy Keywords in SharePoint Search because it forms the building blocks you need to become a rock star at writing SharePoint keyword queries.   Today, I want to expand upon that post on how you can use search to return a...
Ever wanted to see what exactly is in your SharePoint search index with a simple query?  Sure, you can take a look at the crawl log, but you can’t see that in SharePoint Online.  With SharePoint 2010, you can use queries using the ContentSource...
At my Search talk at SPC11, I demoed how to build a Silverlight application that could query search in SharePoint Online .  I also built a separate application that could query people search, but I haven’t posted on it yet until today.  To query...
At SharePoint Conference 2011, I showed off a great looking advanced search application using Silverlight 4.  This application queried the Search web service at /_vti_bin/search.asmx to retrieve results and display them directly inside the application...
At this point, SharePoint 2010 has been out about a year and a half more or less and you might have forgotten some of those new features that came along with it.  Since I am often one to talk about SharePoint search solutions, one of my favorite...
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