Understanding Site Collection creation with Microsoft Teams

Posted Thursday, March 15, 2018 3:10 PM by CoreyRoth

When you create a new site Microsoft Team, it creates a site collection for you rather quickly.  In general, it's ok to start working with this site collection right away.  You can upload files or do whatever you need.  However, you might have noticed before that certain menus are not available in Site Settings right away. and you can't do other administrative actions such as "Change the Look".  I started looking into this after I created a new Team and then started using Sharegate to move files there right away.  Sharegate gives me an error message that I don't have the necessary permissions to use Insane Mode.  This is no fault of Sharegate, something clearly wasn't ready yet in Office 365.

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I created the Team so shouldn't I be a site collection administrator?  I was confused because this was right after I successfully migrated files to a different Team that I had created last week.  It turns out even though I created the Team, I am not a Site Collection owner…yet.  The administration options are simply not there. That's because you don't have access yet. 

I don't fully understand it, but after digging around in PowerShell, I do understand it a bit more now.  I went into SharePoint Online Management Shell and used Get-SPOUser on the site. 

Get-SPOUser -site https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/teamname | Select LoginName, IsSiteAdmin

Looking at the results, you can see that no one is a site collection admin.

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I suspected, I needed to wait and see what happens.  I knew my other Teams worked fine, so hopefully this one will work soon as well.  I came back about 40 minutes later, just shortly past the hour.  I then ran the same PowerShell command.  This time, the results were different.

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Notice how the GUID named account, ce738800-2aff-4c9f-b2cd-2b0521aa8a77_o, now is listed as a site admin?  Interesting.  After comparing the results of another Team, my account wasn't listed there as a Site Collection admin but everything there worked fine.  I decided to go back and try my migration.  Sure enough it worked.  I could use Change the Look now to change my site theme and all of my links were available on the Site Settings page now too. 

I'm pretty sure what happens is that there is a job that runs once an hour at the top of the hour (although I am not really sure) that goes and sets permissions after the fact whenever you create a Team.  If you run into this issue, just be patient and everything should work shortly.


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