File not found error on AllItems.apsx list pages using KWizCom web parts

Posted Monday, April 23, 2012 9:10 PM by CoreyRoth

Recently, a client of mine acquired some KWizCom web parts.  I installed them and they seemed to work fine.  However, during the configuration, we ended up building a new web application or two.  On these web applications, I started to notice that we were receiving File not found errors whenever you went to AllItems.aspx on any list page (i.e.: Shared Documents, Web Part Gallery, Solution gallery, etc).  I immediately thought it was an issue with how I was applying custom branding but that turned out to not be the case.  Ultimately, I started seeing this issue on brand new web applications and site collections and I knew something had to be up.  Whenever I visited one of these pages that had the issue I got the following error.

File Not Found. 


When this occurs you can view the Web Parts Maintenance Page but it is of no help obviously.  Ultimately, I queried the ULS log using Get-SPLog using tips I picked up from Wictor.  Be sure and use the –StartTime parameter to limit the scope of the query.  It will return something much faster.  Just paste your Correlation ID in the script and you are good to go.

Get-SPLogEvent -StartTime (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5) | ?{$_.Correlation -eq "74adb0a7-655a-473b-9afa-5cc9edcc1aed"} | ft Category, Message –AutoSize

After the script executed, the culprit finally stood out.


There from the snippet, you see mention of KWizCom.  Now it is all making sense. In this case, we had some of the web parts that do various things to lists.  As my first attempt at a solution, I redeployed all of the KWizCom solution packages.  That still didn’t help though.  I then tried activating all of the site collection features from KWizCom to see if that made a difference and that didn’t work either. Finally, I just retracted all of the solution packages and my lists started working again.  I haven’t yet redeployed the solution packages, but I suspect they should probably work, but it makes me leery.  This was killing brand new web applications.  When I try it again, I’ll update the post.


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