Visual Studio 2005 (Release) ISO files

Posted Friday, November 4, 2005 11:31 AM by C-Dog's .NET Tip of the Day
I have ISO files for both Visual Studio 2005 Team Developer and Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite (Trial).  All of you should install the Team Developer version except for Bobby.  Team Suite is a trial and only Bobby and I will end up having licenses for it.
The files are located at \\5w-42109\downs.
Team Developer - en_vs_2005_vstd_dvd.iso
Team Suite Trial  - en_vs_2005_vsts_trial_dvd.iso
SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition - en_sql_2005_std_x86_dvd.iso
All of these can be installed using the virtual cdrom control panel.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

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